As many of you know, I have been experiencing raw recipes. The one thing that I procrastated with was the green smoothie. The color just didn't do it for me. So finally yesterday I decided to bite the bullet and try it. I was so surprised at how wonderful and filling it was. Here's the recipe:
Peachy-Spinach Smoothie (from
2 bananas
3-4 peaches
2 handfuls of fresh spinach (there was a bit of shredded carrots in the bag, which was great added crunch)
dash of salt
orange juice (about 1/2 cup-depending how thick you want it)
Just blend. I added ice cubes, it definately needed to be cold.
The other picture is another dessert recipe i tried. Again, fantastic...I served it Friday night for Shabbat and everyone liked it. Here's that recipe from Ani's Raw Food Kitchen. I changed the recipe a bit b/c i didn't have a vanilla bean and i used regular salt. You can view the video at:
Ani's Donut Holes
1 cup almonds (soaked overnight and then air dried)
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup dried pineapple
1 cup pitted dates (remove pits and make sure there are no worms or eggs inside the dates!)
3 Tablespoons dried shredded coconut
2 Tablesppons dried shredded coconut to roll balls in
Soak almonds overnight to bring out the flavor. Then let them completely dry. You don't have to soak, the nuts will then be crunchier. Process the nuts till chopped. Separeately, process the pineapple till chopped. Then add in the rest of the ingredients and blend (but do not puree). Roll into balls. Then roll into coconut.
The problem with all of this raw food is that it can be rough on the tummy. I may have overdone it yesterday...first the smoothie, then a big salad with spinach/romaine/jicama/and mock salmon salad. (another great recipe). By 3:00 I had such a headache that I couldn't wait to go home and eat all the crap my body wanted. So all afternoon I kept eating to make the headache go away. Wouldn't you know it, the only thing that helped was a diet coke and advil. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. I guess i shouldn't have eaten the 4 oreos, either!!! Maybe today I'll be better, now that the oreos are out of the house. So this is what i've learned: moderation is best. Try and eat more veggies, slowly. Don't try and go raw all at once. The body can't handle it.
Bon Apetite.