Max (my brother's son, the one dressed in the white shirt)
Last weekend, my whole family, along with lots houston friends, traveled to Marietta, Georgia for my nephew's bar mitzvah. The weather was perfect and the leaves were just beginning to turn. We all had such a wonderful weekend, but it went by so fast. At the same time, it was an emotional roller coaster for all of us...the empty seat.
For every simcha (good occasion) we almost always are all together. We all do our best to make it to each other's simchas. Josh, my youngest, wasn't able to make it b/c of the college thing. He was very much missed, but it was just too hard to get him back and forth with classes, etc. I love having my whole family together, and this year was especially nice. Not only did I have Sophie, my granddaughter, but I had all of my girls (daughter in laws) as well.
Whenever my siblings and i would get together, we would always take a picture of just the 4 of us. As you can see in the last picture, it was so very hard to take. We are now 3. Alan loved to go to family functions. He was planning on going to this one, as well. It would have been his 49th b-day the same weekend. I just can't believe it's been almost a year since he's been gone.
Bet you didn't know he was a "Blue Baby". Blue Babies rarely lived. We were lucky, G-d gave us Alan for 48 years.
Yes, Alan's seat was empty, but his spirit filled the weekend. As long as he's in our hearts, his seat will never be empty.