Thursday, November 15, 2007
Goodbye Eric and Heather
The following article was written by Yael Kahalnik, Assistant Camp Director of Camp Young Judaea, for their online newsletter. Thank you for the beautiful article!
Eric and Heather left today for their journey to travel the world....
Goodbye Eric and Heather
By Yael Kahalnik- Assistant Camp Director
Eric Grosman has served as the Director of Operations for CYJ for three and a half successful and exciting years. Throughout Eric’s stint running the CYJ Retreat Center during the year and ensuring a seamless summer at camp, he has brought passion, commitment, and a creative touch to every project he took on. Eric took on the challenge of growing our retreat center and has successfully increased the number of groups that utilize CYJ exponentially, developed new and attractive marketing materials both for the retreat center and for Camp, and took great pride in the upkeep and beautification of our facilities.
One of Eric’s great passions is environmentalism and he has continuously challenged us to “greenify” everything that we do, including the inception of a recycling program and the replacement of Styrofoam cups with reusable coffee mugs. With his warm and friendly personality, his eye for aesthetic beauty and artistic hand, and his hard-working, determined nature, Eric will be an irreplaceable member of the CYJ team. It is with heavy-hearts that we report that this November, our dear Eric will be leaving us to travel the world for with his beautiful wife Heather.
“Eric is a team player who will be missed. My hope is that he comes back to us after traveling the world.” says Frank Silberlicht, Camp Director.
Looking toward the near future, Eric and Heather are excited to begin their adventure around the world together.
“The first rule to our journey is..there are no rules. Anything goes!” says Eric.
With only a small amount of clothing, a big camera, some Pepto-Bismol, and a few other basic items in one carry-on size backpack each, the happy couple will be gone for about a year traveling to West Africa, East Africa, India, and Nepal in the first six months of their trek. While second half of their trip is still undecided, they have expressed interest in leading a Jewish youth trip to Israel or Central America over the summer. Hopefully we can convince them to return to the Judaean family to staff one of our exciting Summer Israel Programs! Eric, your smile and sense of humor will truly be missed. We wish them good luck on their journey and “nessiah tovah”.