New Years Eve....Adam started bleeding from his throat. By "2008" he was hemorrhaging. Ileya rushed him to Texas Children's Hospital and they did emergency surgery to stop the bleeding. He lost a considerable amount of blood, however, we were so lucky that he did not need a blood transfusion. So I know you will ask, just as every employee at TCH asked, "Why did she take him to the children's hospital." Ileya volunteers there and she knew where the emergency clinic was. It was late and she didn't want to be driving around the med center looking for the emergency rooms at the other hospitals. I personally think it was a genius idea b/c i happen to love that hospital. It is where i do my volunteer clowning. Anyway, that hospital is so set up to be parent and child friendly. They let us be with him up until the surgery and we were with him immediately after in the recovery room. He stayed overnight and went home the next day.
After 5 days (i think), Heather was released from the african clinic. (yesterday) She was able to keep 3 meals down, which meant the antibiotics started to finally work. Now I understand why they got Salmonella, after reading their blog!!!! True, they are experiencing things that are so very unique, however, they are in the poorest and dirtiest places! Presently, they are in a "bed and breakfast" resting and rebuilding their strength.
So things are definitely picking up.