This week, my Kindergarten class has been studying the five senses. They have learned all about the different handicaps people have to endure when they have lost one or more of the senses. The students have been especially interested in blindness. Since I teach in a Jewish school and have the good fortune to have a fab. dreydel collection, I brought in one of my prized dreydels: the braidel. This is an actual dreydel with the braille letters on it. I also brought in books written in braille and we have been studying Helen Keller and Louis Braille. As kindergarten students are, they loved the obstacle course the best. I rearranged the room and blindfolded them, giving them only a yard stick to use as a walking stick. They absolutely loved doing this, and as you can imagine, they loved walking into the walls and chairs and making a big commotion. It was pretty funny, but they definitely learned a new appreciation for having sight.
Another fun activity was using ear plugs. The students stuffed them into their ears and they had to find other ways to communicate without speaking. I taught them some sign language and we used the lights (on and off) as a symbol to know when someone was knocking at the door. The funny thing was to listen to them when they put the plugs in: they would speak really loud.
I cannot imagine having to go through life without hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, or having the feel of touch. Though I know many people who have lost one or more of these senses, i am amazed at how they overcome their disability and lead perfectly normal lives. Thank goodness we live in a time when so many opportunities, options and solutions are available today. I thank goodness for my health and my senses!