Once there was a young woman named Callie. Callie woke up one morning to find a “special angel” sitting by her bed. The angel said, “Callie, I have a gift for you. Every day when you wake up, you will find $1440.00 sitting here on your nightstand in cash. It is yours to spend in any way you want. You have to spend all of it each day. You absolutely cannot save even a dollar of it. It’s your gift for the rest of your life.” There is nothing special you have to do to keep getting it every single day.” Callie looked up at this special angel and was just amazed. She thought to herself, “I am so rich! This is incredible.” She thanked her special angel. The angel disappeared, and “poof,” there was $1440.00 on the nightstand.
Now you might think that spending that much money every day would be easy! Callie found it tough! She had days in which she felt there was absolutely not enough hours in the day to spend it to get all the things she wanted. She sometimes found herself hurrying through the day and even neglecting those in her life that mattered most to her just so she could spend the money. She missed them, but just kept going spending and spending and spending. Every morning she woke up and there was more money. This went on for years, and Callie got old. She still had to spend the money but now she had learned to spend it more wisely savoring the ways she spent it. She spent it with her family and friends. And the older she got, the more grateful she was that she was savoring it so much as one by one, many friends started dying. She was glad she had taken the money and used it on them while they were still here. She was glad she had contributed her money to causes that were good. Her hair turned white, her face became more and more wrinkled, and yet Callie was happy. She looked back on her days and felt very blessed to have been given the gift of this special money to spend each day. One morning, Callie’s granddaughter knocked on Callie’s bedroom door and said, “Wake up Grandma.” But Callie didn’t come out so her granddaughter went in and found that Callie had died peacefully in her sleep. It was the end of Callie’s life on earth, but the story really doesn’t end because Callie had spent her money so wisely that she had left a legacy of love for her children and grandchildren, one that would live on for generations to come.
There is a moral to this story. Everyday you too are given a gift when you wake up of 1440 minutes to spend each day. You get a choice on how you want to spend that money. It is my hope that the legacy and legend of Callie lives on and that you spend the gift of your 1440 minutes a day as Callie did so you too can leave a legacy of love.
Now you might think that spending that much money every day would be easy! Callie found it tough! She had days in which she felt there was absolutely not enough hours in the day to spend it to get all the things she wanted. She sometimes found herself hurrying through the day and even neglecting those in her life that mattered most to her just so she could spend the money. She missed them, but just kept going spending and spending and spending. Every morning she woke up and there was more money. This went on for years, and Callie got old. She still had to spend the money but now she had learned to spend it more wisely savoring the ways she spent it. She spent it with her family and friends. And the older she got, the more grateful she was that she was savoring it so much as one by one, many friends started dying. She was glad she had taken the money and used it on them while they were still here. She was glad she had contributed her money to causes that were good. Her hair turned white, her face became more and more wrinkled, and yet Callie was happy. She looked back on her days and felt very blessed to have been given the gift of this special money to spend each day. One morning, Callie’s granddaughter knocked on Callie’s bedroom door and said, “Wake up Grandma.” But Callie didn’t come out so her granddaughter went in and found that Callie had died peacefully in her sleep. It was the end of Callie’s life on earth, but the story really doesn’t end because Callie had spent her money so wisely that she had left a legacy of love for her children and grandchildren, one that would live on for generations to come.
There is a moral to this story. Everyday you too are given a gift when you wake up of 1440 minutes to spend each day. You get a choice on how you want to spend that money. It is my hope that the legacy and legend of Callie lives on and that you spend the gift of your 1440 minutes a day as Callie did so you too can leave a legacy of love.