Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Friendship Circle

This organization has touched our hearts. The name of the organization is called the Friendship Circle. They help children and adults with conditions like Autism, Cerebral Palsy, and Down syndrome along with various other challenges and disabilities.

This program is now being offered to well over 50 children with conditions like autism, Down's Syndrome, and other such challenges. Through the gifts and joys of friendship, the young volunteers are able to reach the children in ways that most forms of therapy cannot. Furthermore, the program has had a profound effect on the teenagers themselves instilling within them the values of giving and gratitude.

The Adult Division serves adults with special needs in the Richmond and Brenham State Schools and The Center. The Golden Circle serves seniors living in assisted living facilities. Often forgotten by mainstream society, the residents at these facilities light up with joy during the Jewish holiday parties.

The Friendship Circle will be having a Walk on Sunday, May 10th, at 2 pm from the Jewish Family Services to the Merfish Teen Center to promote awareness and raise funds for this very special cause. Please help the Friendship Circle by sponsoring the Walk.

Please visit our Fundraising Page by using the link below and help us reach our personal goal by making a secure online donation today...

While on the site, you can learn all about the program and the walk.

If you can think of others who might be interested in making a donation, please forward this to them! You would be surprised to know how many people will give, if asked. We would love to have you walk with us, as well.

Thank you very much,snuggles and juggles
aka: sharon and eddie


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Creative Recycling

On January 10th, my class started the worm bin for recycling leftover fruits, veggies, egg shells, etc. from their lunches. As of now, it's nice and stinky, creating enriched nitrogen from the worm castings. (nature's poop)

Now take a look at this....

Yep, it's an old air conditioner.

Now look into the top of it, what do you see...Isn't this the most creative compost bin you've ever seen! I give Eddie the credit for coming up with this idea. He was able to get this old unit from a business neighbor. The air conditioning company has no use for these old units, except to sell as scrap. I love that I can recycle scrap into something positive!
Saving the world, one idea at a time.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Finally Flowers!

I'm so glad spring is here.
I love all of the flowers blooming in my yard.
I still have lots more to plant, these are all from last year.

My indoor closet plant even has 2 blooms.


Another amaryllis ready to bloom.

Amaryllis from the top....

Look carefully in the center of this flower....
this is how it should look.

Now look at the center of this bloom....
Still don't see it....

Look at the long green thing...

It's a giant grasshopper tucked into the center.
Now can you see the legs?



Pink kalanochoe

Pink vinca and yellow kalancheo

I forgot the name of this pretty pink flower.

cyclomen still blooming after the winter

Yellow hibiscus

White azaleas


Begonia, which needs some miracle grow.

White iris

Lots of iris blooms

Even the weeds with flowers are nice.

Clover with blooms. Some people call these weeds, as well.

This messy brown stuff is falling everywhere, from our oak trees.
Reminds me of worms, YUK.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Mandala Project

You must be the change
you wish to see in
the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

Do you know what a mandala is? Neither did I until a friend told me about it.
The Mandala Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting peace through art and education. Go to: to learn more.

The mandala above was printed off of the website and I colored it in my favorite colors.
To print one, click here.
It is very therapeutic to color in the round.
My next mandala will be free hand.
This is my friend's mandala. She's a true artist and inspires me to do more.
Click here, to view her blog post.


Monday, March 23, 2009

A day at the park

We took Sophie and Matthew to Japan yesterday.
Or should I say, "to the Japanese Gardens at Herman Park."
All of Herman Park has been redone, I was so impressed with it.
As you can see, Matthew wasn't so impressed, in fact,
he slept the entire time.
Sophie had to do everything...including the train, twice!
The weather was perfect and we had a great day.
The beauty of grandparenting!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Eric

Happy 31st birthday Eric!
Your 30th birthday you were in India.
This year you are in Costa Rica.
No matter where in the world you are,
No matter what you will be doing,
you'll always be my baby
and i'll always be your mommy.
Happy Birthday to my first born....
the one who gave me the best job in the world:
"being a mother"
I love you.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

San Antonio

On Wed, we took Josh and Alex to San Antonio for the night.
Our purpose was to get our eyes checked and new glasses from a close friend who lives there.
My secret mission: to go see Kevin and Annmarie Gianni from the Renegade Health Show.
Just click on their name to see their blog.
Yes, I'm a groupie. I watch their videos, via email blog, every single day.
It was so much fun for me to meet them, they are so down to earth, so nice.
This was the first time I've met someone through blogging.
I was nervous and excited, like a kid going backstage at a concert.

Meeting Kevin and Annmarie at Central Market.
(they are on a tour around the US promoting health and fitness)

The bluebonnets are blooming, my favorite flower.

Of course, I ALWAYS have to stop and take pictures in the bluebonnets!

Eric has got me started on the feet pictures.
This seems to be his trademark, I love it, too.

You can't go to San Antonio without seeing the Alamo.
Too bad it was so crowded because of spring break.