This program is now being offered to well over 50 children with conditions like autism, Down's Syndrome, and other such challenges. Through the gifts and joys of friendship, the young volunteers are able to reach the children in ways that most forms of therapy cannot. Furthermore, the program has had a profound effect on the teenagers themselves instilling within them the values of giving and gratitude.
The Adult Division serves adults with special needs in the Richmond and Brenham State Schools and The Center. The Golden Circle serves seniors living in assisted living facilities. Often forgotten by mainstream society, the residents at these facilities light up with joy during the Jewish holiday parties.
The Friendship Circle will be having a Walk on Sunday, May 10th, at 2 pm from the Jewish Family Services to the Merfish Teen Center to promote awareness and raise funds for this very special cause. Please help the Friendship Circle by sponsoring the Walk.
Please visit our Fundraising Page by using the link below and help us reach our personal goal by making a secure online donation today...
While on the site, you can learn all about the program and the walk.
If you can think of others who might be interested in making a donation, please forward this to them! You would be surprised to know how many people will give, if asked. We would love to have you walk with us, as well.
aka: sharon and eddie