The heart has four chambers and is red.
All of the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycophine,
and are indeed, pure heart and blood food.
Tomato/Basil Soup
Puree 3 large tomatoes in the food processer or blender
Add 1 scallion, about 1/2 cup tomato juice*, handful of basil, salt and pepper.
Serve cold, for best nutritional value!!!!
* the tomato juice makes this recipe not raw, but it's still pretty close to being raw.
If you want to make it into gazpacho,
add about 1/2 green pepper, (red and yellow will work, too), and a cucumber.
To serve: put some cut up veggies into the bowl and add the liquid.
Serve cold, as well.

and are indeed, pure heart and blood food.

Puree 3 large tomatoes in the food processer or blender
Add 1 scallion, about 1/2 cup tomato juice*, handful of basil, salt and pepper.
Serve cold, for best nutritional value!!!!
* the tomato juice makes this recipe not raw, but it's still pretty close to being raw.
If you want to make it into gazpacho,
add about 1/2 green pepper, (red and yellow will work, too), and a cucumber.
To serve: put some cut up veggies into the bowl and add the liquid.
Serve cold, as well.