Who reads blogs? Or are blogs for old people like me? (over 50) Is it ok to comment on someone's blog, someone you don't even know?
Is My Space for the the young people....younger then me, for sure. I don't know any adult on My Space. Maybe I'm just not "with it." At least I've heard of it.
Who watches You-Tube? I love it. It's for all ages. The sick minded, the rock and roller, the artist, the people who should be working but are on You Tube instead. Oh, am i talking to you!
I don't have an I-Pod.
I don't know how to Text Message
I've heard of X Box, but not planning on getting one of those either.
I can IM, but don't really know the lingo. Well, I do know: ttyl and lol.
We do live in a high tech world. I'm starting to sound like my gramma, she use to complain about not knowing how to use the video player.
ok, if you read my blog, you have to leave comments. Unless, you are too old and can't figure out how to do it. If you're too young, you're probably texting a message on your phone, while listening to your i-pod, and then playing X Box.
PS. does anyone have an old video player so I can play my BETA tapes?