Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Here's to your health!
I didn't realize so many people were reading my blog until i missed a few days. So where was I????? I was busy taking care of my body, doing what every person over 50 needs to do. Yesterday I had a colonoscopy. For those of you who have already had one, I don't need to explain myself. Basically, it takes 2 yucky days. No pain, just a nusance. The hardest part for me was not eating. I was sooooo hungry, you can only drink so much apple juice and chicken broth. My nurse said a very important thing to me: it's better to have 2 bad days to catch something early (such as a polyp), then the alternative of many bad days if it is left and turns to cancer. Thank goodness, perfect results. Dr. Mark Kudisch (who i highly recommend) didn't even have to take any biopsies.