I am on drugs. Why, b/c I have this stupid cold. Just when I was going to bed, I took some cough medicine, and BAM, I was flying and itching the entire night. So what does one do all night:
1. I listened to eddie snore
2. I listened to buddy snore
3. Waited for the dryer to go off
4. Played on the computer, read blogs
5. Drank some hot tea
6. Heard a scary noise: it was buddy going out side
7. Got back into bed and repeated steps 1 and 2
8. Played solitaire on the computer
9. Got back in bed and this time woke up eddie from coughing
10. He left for work
11. Heard a mouse in the attic from the exposed roof which is being replaced
12. Jumped out of bed
13. Once again, drinking hot tea.
I'm on drugs, still!
I'm going to work to give those kids back their cold.