The Torah calls the day Yom HaKippurim (יוֹם הַכִּפּוּרִים, "The Day of Atonements") and decrees a strict prohibition of work and affliction of the soul.
Yom Kippur starts (at sundown friday ) and ends 24 hours later (at sundown, Saturday).
Although outside of the Land of Israel other biblical festivals are observed for two days because of doubt over the correct beginning of the month, Yom Kippur was not rabbinically extended to two days due to the difficulty of fasting for 48 hours.
Five prohibitions are traditionally observed:
Eating and drinking (maybe i'll loose a pound or two)
Wearing leather shoes (good, i can wear comfortable shoes)
Bathing/washing (gotta brush my teeth, but i won't swallow the water)
Anointing oneself with perfumes or lotions (ok, no lotion, but i will need powder and blush))
Wishing everyone an easy fast.