Yesterday was Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. It is customary to ask for forgiveness from anyone you may have insulted or hurt.
Four years ago, a very very good friend of mine divorced, left town, and started a new life, leaving her past behind. Four years went by, and not a week went by that i didn't think of her. I respected her choice and gave her space. But i missed my friend. Over and over again, i wrote a letter to her in my head, but never seemed to get it on paper......until Friday.
I kept it simple, wrote from the heart, wished her a happy new year, and asked her to forgive me if I had hurt or offended her in some way. I didn't know why she cut all ties from her past, including me, but i knew that it was time to open the door to our friendship.
Tonight, we spent 2 treasured hours on the phone together. Life is just too short not to go after the things we want and need. I wanted my friend again and I got her back.