Last saturday evening, passover started. I had a small seder at our house, just 12 of us. It was so strange for us to have only one of our 4 sons (with his family) at the table. At the seder, we read the Haggadah, which tells the story of the Exodus of the jews out of Eygpt. The Torah commands us to teach our children about Passover. The Talmud suggests four different ways children might react. So in the haggadah, there is a section where 4 different kinds of children ask a question: the wise child might ask..., the wicked child might ask...., the simple child might ask..., and the child who doesn't know enought to ask a question.....Usually all four of my kids joke around about who gets to read which part. Philip was the only one at the seder this year....he got to be the Wise Child.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
happy passover
Last saturday evening, passover started. I had a small seder at our house, just 12 of us. It was so strange for us to have only one of our 4 sons (with his family) at the table. At the seder, we read the Haggadah, which tells the story of the Exodus of the jews out of Eygpt. The Torah commands us to teach our children about Passover. The Talmud suggests four different ways children might react. So in the haggadah, there is a section where 4 different kinds of children ask a question: the wise child might ask..., the wicked child might ask...., the simple child might ask..., and the child who doesn't know enought to ask a question.....Usually all four of my kids joke around about who gets to read which part. Philip was the only one at the seder this year....he got to be the Wise Child.