Friday, April 25, 2008

My travelers

Uganda, Africa
click on picture to enlarge

Uganda, Africa
click on picture to enlarge

Don't my travelers look great. When you have hours and hours to read a great blog, you must read some of their entries. Their photos are right out of National Geographic. The blog entries are so descriptive, I can clearly imagine all 5 senses: what they see, smell, taste, touch, and hear. Now I'm no nature lady, but when i read this blog, it makes me want to go and experience in a way that i never have before. It warms my heart to know that eric and heather have been so fortunate to have this experience. Very few people have the nerve to do this, give up everything including all their luxuries, quit their jobs, live on the bare necessities in 3rd world countries, and have such a love for life and living, taking this journey together. I'm so proud of them.