This is the moment i've been waiting for....I've got figs. Here's a picture of my very first one. I'm sure in a day or two, i will have about 1,000 more....it's a huge tree. Those birds better keep away! Now I need some good fig recipes....otherwise they will be blended up into my green smoothies. Yummmmmm

As you can see, Adam is up and around. Heather brought her and eric's 3 doggies over for a visit. Amazing how well they sit when there's a treat involved. He's still on pain meds, but each day he is feeling better. What a scare! So what did he learn, I asked him...."always put your knife away and never ever pull anything out that you've been stabbed with"
I've been on my treadmill everyday, and now have worked up to running. This morning I was feeling really good, i had just pasted the one mile mark of running continuous and my treadmill suddenly stopped. It died, just like that!!!!! It is so hot and humid outside, but it looks like I'll have to suffer with it until i find a new treadmill. So can anyone recommend a brand or style they like. I had a Trimline, which was great. Maybe if I'm lucky, it's just something loose and eddie can fix it.