Just a quick update on adam: he came home from the hospital today, still in lots of pain, but thank goodness, no surgery needed at this point. He is heavily drugged, but well equiped with homemade chicken soup. They did not sew up the cut, it needs to heal from the inside out. He is also suppose to use the leg, and not use crutches, however, he cannot even put any weight on it due to the pain. The doctor wants him to use the muscle so that it will heal. Hopefully in a day or two he can try to put pressure on it.
During yesterday's rain storm, we also lost a huge limb off of a pecan tree from our new house. Just when eddie had finally cleaned up all of the limbs that he had previously cut, now he has another big job to do. So he spent most of the day repairing yesterday's storm damage...rebuilding the fence, etc... It's rough having two houses!