So here's how my day starts:
Adam, my son, calls us at 7:30 am. He went to galveston to go fishing, alone. Somehow, after leaving his filet knife on top of his net, he went to hand the net to someone and fell. Yep, you guessed it....he fell on the knife. Adam told us that it went into his ankle, about 2 inches. Said it wasn't bad, but he was at the ER. Adam doesn't watch the TV medical shows, so he didn't know that you don't pull a knife out, once you've been stabbed. Actually, he did know, but his first reaction was to pull it out. That's the Rambo in him. He had someone pull it out while at the pier. Apparently, none of the fishermen watch Gray's Anatomy, either! So about an hour later, the story changed a bit. They were now doing tests to see if he cut the main artery, and if so, he would need surgery. (he didn't) At that point, eddie and I jumped into the car to go to galveston. Once we arrived, we saw that the knife went completely through his calf, and out the other side. There was a pulse in his foot, but it was weaker then the other foot. Adam was admitted for observation overnight, in the event that it starts to bleed and surgery will be needed. Adam is presently high on pain killers, his foot is up on a pillow. Ileya, his fiancee (i love saying that) is with him. So far, so good, just alot of pain. They also have him pumped up on antibiotics...apparently an injury that involves sea water is high in bacteria. That's number one.
I get home and there had been a heavy rainstorm in sugar land. I see that some of my pots are overturned in the back yard. As i look closer, things don't look right. I go outside and a section of my fence is down, plants are broken, a huge jasmine on top of a trellis has been pulled off, and there's leaves and branches around the yard. After calling my neighbor, she tells me they think a mini tornado went through our yards. That's number two.
Number three is bad. Someone that I had been friends with when my kids were little, had a sudden heart attack and died. I hadn't seen her in many years, it's so shocking when someone our age dies. We will be going to the funeral and shiva in the next day or two.
Kiss your kids, your spouse, your family, your friends, and tell them you love them. You never know what the day will bring.