Do you remember
The Jack LaLanne Show? (http://www.jacklalanne.com/) I completly forgot about that until the wee hours of the morning. I was flipping through the channels, after watching my favorite cooking show: Ace of Cakes. On discovery, Impact Survival was on. I flipped and what do i find:
Jack Lalanne selling his juicer. That man is 93 years young. Now I know, plastic surgery. But plastic doesn't make a person stronger....that man is going strong. I watched, and then remembered...

My experience with Jack. He was my first .....the first time I remember exercising. He had a show on TV, and I'd exercise along with him and that chair. Perhaps that is why I always do lots of floor exercises, never remembered being taught, always just did them. Thanks Jack, you started me on the road of a lifetime of exercise and stretching. Now I don't know where it came from.....certainly not from my parents, they never ever exercise. Never from my siblings, never saw that. I was the only one that did all the latest....it was called jazzercise, aerobics, yoga, next year something else. I swan laps, I lifted weights, I did the machines (even the one that had a bumpy roller and would hit against the cellulite to make it go away!), I tried spinning, but my favorite of all times was Dancing with
Richard Simmons. I found him on One Life To Life, the soap opera. From there, he had his own show.....any you know the history.
So, I leave you with: Jack's Words of Wisdom
Anything in life is possible and you can make it happen.
Your waistline is your lifeline.
Exercise is King, nutrition is Queen, put them together and you've got a kingdom.
Don't exceed the feed limit.
The food you eat today is walking and talking tomorrow.
Ten seconds on the lips and a lifetime on the hips.
Better to wear out than rust out.
Do - don't stew.
People don't die of old age, they die of inactivity. (this is my favorite)
First we inspire them, then we perspire them.
You eat everyday, you sleep everyday, and your body was made to exercise everyday.
Work at living and you don't have to die tomorrow.
I can't die, it would ruin my image.
If man makes it, don't eat it.
If it tastes good, spit it out.
What's it doing for me?
Your health account is like your bank account: The more you put in, the more you can take out.
If one apple is good, you wouldn't eat 100.
It's not what you do some of the time that counts, it's what you do all of the time that counts.
Make haste slowly.
Eat right and you can't go wrong.