Thursday, August 30, 2007

Group Hug

Here's a picture of my group taken a few weeks ago when Josh was home. It's amazing, they actually grew up and like each other! It only seemed like yesterday when Eric would say something mean to Adam, Adam would fight with Philp, Philip would tease Josh, and Josh would give it back to all of them. But Josh was the smart one, he knew it was just a matter of time before the eric, adam and philp would all be out of the house and he would then have the whole upstairs to himself. Well, at least for a little while, until they all moved home for a brief time! Now the nest is empty, the rooms stay spotless, and we are moving to a bigger house. Crazy!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A minute can change everything.

This is such a rare sight for baby sophie, that I just had to post it. She is always so happy go lucky, gets passed from person to person, and never cares. I guess she just had enough!!!
Grampa Jules feels her pain.

Monday, August 20, 2007

back to school

Remember the metal lunchboxes? I was a brown bagger, but I'm sure I would have bought this one if I saw it. What kind did you have?

So, I didnt' fall of the face of the earth, I'm once again in the working world. I spent all last week getting my class together and inservice started today. Yes, I'm a bit overwhelmed, this has been a huge job....going through all of the materials and setting up the room. Remember, last year I started about a week into the school year, after the Kindergarten teacher quit. So I didnt' have to do anything to the room. This year, a whole different story.....boring one, so I will spare you the details. All I can say is I'm exhausted. If I weren't such a perfectionist, this would be easier. Nope, I want everything just right, including new games, lesson plans, etc. I love being back.

Buddy news: he hasn't had ONE accident in the house. He is like a different dog: much calmer, laid back, and still loveable. Yes, I should have done this when he was a puppy. Oh well, better late then never.

Josh news: the lump on his face has gone down. He started his classes today, set up his apt. all weekend. We are going to try and visit him in the next month.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

How smart is your dog?

Who would ever believe that there is an IQ test for dogs! Well, here's your chance to see just how smart your pooch is....

Towel test:Take a large towel or blanket and gently place it over your dog's head.If he frees himself from the towel in less than 15 seconds, give him 3 points. If it takes 15-30 seconds, 2 points. Longer than 30 seconds earns 1 point.
Bucket test:Place a dog treat or a favorite toy under one of three buckets placed next to each other. Let the dog know which bucket the treat is under, than turn the dog away for a few seconds. Then, let her find the treat. If she immediately goes to the correct bucket give her 3 points. If she takes two attempts, score 2 points. If your dog looks under the other two buckets first, score 1 point.
Favorite spot:With your dog out of the room, rearrange the furniture. When he re-enters the room, if he goes directly to his favorite spot give him 3 points. If it takes him 30 seconds to investigate before he finds his spot, give him 2 points. If he decides on a new area completely, score 1 point.
Chair puzzle:Place a treat under a table or chair low enough so your dog can only fit her paw and cannot fit her head. If your dog figures how to reach the treat within one minute, score 3 points. If she uses her paws and nose, score 2 points. If your dog gives up, score 1 point.
Go for a walk!On a day or time you normally don't walk your dog, quietly pick up your keys, and his leash while he's watching you. If he gets excited immediately, score 3 points. If you have to walk to the door before he knows it's time to go out, score 2 points. If he sits and just looks confused give him 1 point.
Barrier test:Construct a barrier from cardboard that is 5 feet wide and taller than your dog when she's on two legs, so she can't see over it. Attach two boxes to either side as support structures. In the center of the cardboard, cut a 3 inch-wide rectangular aperture - it should run from about 4 inches from the top to about 4 inches from the bottom. (This way, the dog can see through the barrier but cannot physically get through.) Toss a toy or treat to the other side of the barrier, or have someone stand on the other side. If your dog walks around the barrier within 30 seconds, give her 3 points. If she goes around the barrier between 30 seconds and one minute, give 2 points. If she gets her head stuck in the aperture trying to get through, give her 1 point for effort!

Scoring and results16 points or higher - Brilliant! 13 to 16 points - Well above average9 to twelve points - Average 5 to 8 points - Below average 1 to 4 points - Not the brightest kibble in the bag, but we still love 'em!

Still not sure about your's the top 10 smartest:

1. Border collie
2. Poodle
3. German shepherd
4. Golden retriever
5. Doberman pinscher
6. Shetland sheepdog
7. Labrador retriever
8. Papillon
9. Rottweiler
10. Australian cattle dog

Poor little buddy didn't make list, but he makes up for it in love. Oh, and even though buddy acts like he's a graduate, that is not him in the picture above.

Monday, August 13, 2007


Well, even though Buddy has to wear this lampshade to keep from licking his incision, he's doing great. I actually don't make him wear this thing while i'm home b/c I can monitor him closely. Only a few more days....In the meantime, the good news is that he hasn't had one accident or marked his territory at all in the house! (probably b/c he can't sniff with that thing on!)

This is my son, Josh. Josh is in his third year at U of Arizona, Engineering School. Josh hates needles, Josh hates shots, Josh hates blood tests. He has had this bump in his cheek since he had his wisdom teeth out in December. He's been going back and forth to the dentist and 2 different oral surgeons. He's been on penicillin, and it actually started to go away. This past week, he hit it with his car door and the bump started growing and growing. Thank goodness he had planned on coming home yesterday. When he walked off the plane, it looked like he had a jawbreaker in his mouth!!!! My kids have a way of not telling me how bad things are. They know I freak out. So today he saw the ENT doctor and the bump is an infected lymph node. The dr. had to take a culture from it (needle aspiration, yuck!) and he had a very painful shot. Not a good day for josh. Hopefully with lots of heavy antibiotics, it will go away and no more treatment. Thank goodness his girlfriend, Alex, was with him to hold his hand.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The events of the day

I'm happy to report that Buddy is doing fine from his little surgery. He's a bit on the groggy side, and when i put that lampshade on his head, he will be annoyed, but that's all part of the recovery.

On another note, my blog friend, africankelli, made me these fabulous market bags. As you can see, they came in handy when i shopped at Whole Foods today, while buddy was at the clinic. Thanks Kelli, I love being a little "greener".

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

This is no joke

I sat buddy down and said to him, "Buddy, there's something i have to tell you." "Tomorrow, after 10:00 pm, you cannot have anything to eat or drink." "You see, on thursday, you are going to be neutered...."
Buddy says, "your joking, right!!!!?????"

Buddy then says, "they are going to cut what off!!!!!!!!!!!"

Monday, August 6, 2007

Exercise for older adults

Here's a funny exercise joke that someone sent me today. Enjoy.

Exercise for Older Adults

Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side. With a 5-lb potato sack in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can. Try to reach a full minute, and then relax.

Each day, you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer. After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato sacks.

Then try 50-lb potato sacks and then eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100-lb potato sack in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute. (I'm at this level)

After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each of the sacks.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Do you remember?

Do you remember The Jack LaLanne Show? ( I completly forgot about that until the wee hours of the morning. I was flipping through the channels, after watching my favorite cooking show: Ace of Cakes. On discovery, Impact Survival was on. I flipped and what do i find: Jack Lalanne selling his juicer. That man is 93 years young. Now I know, plastic surgery. But plastic doesn't make a person stronger....that man is going strong. I watched, and then remembered...

My experience with Jack. He was my first .....the first time I remember exercising. He had a show on TV, and I'd exercise along with him and that chair. Perhaps that is why I always do lots of floor exercises, never remembered being taught, always just did them. Thanks Jack, you started me on the road of a lifetime of exercise and stretching. Now I don't know where it came from.....certainly not from my parents, they never ever exercise. Never from my siblings, never saw that. I was the only one that did all the was called jazzercise, aerobics, yoga, next year something else. I swan laps, I lifted weights, I did the machines (even the one that had a bumpy roller and would hit against the cellulite to make it go away!), I tried spinning, but my favorite of all times was Dancing with Richard Simmons. I found him on One Life To Life, the soap opera. From there, he had his own show.....any you know the history.

So, I leave you with: Jack's Words of Wisdom

Anything in life is possible and you can make it happen.

Your waistline is your lifeline.

Exercise is King, nutrition is Queen, put them together and you've got a kingdom.

Don't exceed the feed limit.

The food you eat today is walking and talking tomorrow.

Ten seconds on the lips and a lifetime on the hips.

Better to wear out than rust out.

Do - don't stew.

People don't die of old age, they die of inactivity. (this is my favorite)

First we inspire them, then we perspire them.

You eat everyday, you sleep everyday, and your body was made to exercise everyday.

Work at living and you don't have to die tomorrow.

I can't die, it would ruin my image.

If man makes it, don't eat it.

If it tastes good, spit it out.
What's it doing for me?

Your health account is like your bank account: The more you put in, the more you can take out.

If one apple is good, you wouldn't eat 100.

It's not what you do some of the time that counts, it's what you do all of the time that counts.

Make haste slowly.

Eat right and you can't go wrong.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

my weekend at camp

Bad picture of me, but wanted to show off my helping in the of the highlights of the weekend for me. I loved working in an industrial kitchen, learned some new things from Eric, too!

Eric, Heather, and eddie and I in front of a hole in the wall breakfast taco place...delicious

Eric and Heather's room, along with their 3 visiting doggies.

The waterslides were so much club camp.

There are deer everywhere, they are not afraid of the humans. I got pretty close for this picture. They are usually out in early morning and dawn.

Tap Water: To Drink or Not to Drink?

Our recent DC Tap Water report revealed that tap water samples in the Washington, DC area contained toxic chlorination by-products at levels above federal health limits.

An average reader might read that and run to the local Safeway or Piggly Wiggly to stock up on bottled water. But you're smarter than that.

You probably even already know there's a cheaper, more environmentally-friendly way to dramatically lower levels of these toxic byproducts: carbon filtration. In fact, it's 10 to 20 times less expensive than bottled water ($100 vs. nearly $2,000 annually) AND it doesn't produce the waste and pollution bottled water does. Carbon filtration could be a countertop pitcher, a faucet-mount, an under-sink model, or a whole-house model.
So make the smart choice: pass up bottled water.
Get a carbon filter instead.

To read the whole article: