Remember the metal lunchboxes? I was a brown bagger, but I'm sure I would have bought this one if I saw it. What kind did you have?

So, I didnt' fall of the face of the earth, I'm once again in the working world. I spent all last week getting my class together and inservice started today. Yes, I'm a bit overwhelmed, this has been a huge job....going through all of the materials and setting up the room. Remember, last year I started about a week into the school year, after the Kindergarten teacher quit. So I didnt' have to do anything to the room. This year, a whole different story.....boring one, so I will spare you the details. All I can say is I'm exhausted. If I weren't such a perfectionist, this would be easier. Nope, I want everything just right, including new games, lesson plans, etc. I love being back.
Buddy news: he hasn't had ONE accident in the house. He is like a different dog: much calmer, laid back, and still loveable. Yes, I should have done this when he was a puppy. Oh well, better late then never.
Josh news: the lump on his face has gone down. He started his classes today, set up his apt. all weekend. We are going to try and visit him in the next month.