Well, even though Buddy has to wear this lampshade to keep from licking his incision, he's doing great. I actually don't make him wear this thing while i'm home b/c I can monitor him closely. Only a few more days....In the meantime, the good news is that he hasn't had one accident or marked his territory at all in the house! (probably b/c he can't sniff with that thing on!)

This is my son, Josh. Josh is in his third year at U of Arizona, Engineering School. Josh hates needles, Josh hates shots, Josh hates blood tests. He has had this bump in his cheek since he had his wisdom teeth out in December. He's been going back and forth to the dentist and 2 different oral surgeons. He's been on penicillin, and it actually started to go away. This past week, he hit it with his car door and the bump started growing and growing. Thank goodness he had planned on coming home yesterday. When he walked off the plane, it looked like he had a jawbreaker in his mouth!!!! My kids have a way of not telling me how bad things are. They know I freak out. So today he saw the ENT doctor and the bump is an infected lymph node. The dr. had to take a culture from it (needle aspiration, yuck!) and he had a very painful shot. Not a good day for josh. Hopefully with lots of heavy antibiotics, it will go away and no more treatment. Thank goodness his girlfriend, Alex, was with him to hold his hand.