Our recent DC Tap Water report revealed that tap water samples in the Washington, DC area contained toxic chlorination by-products at levels above federal health limits.
An average reader might read that and run to the local Safeway or Piggly Wiggly to stock up on bottled water. But you're smarter than that.
You probably even already know there's a cheaper, more environmentally-friendly way to dramatically lower levels of these toxic byproducts: carbon filtration. In fact, it's 10 to 20 times less expensive than bottled water ($100 vs. nearly $2,000 annually) AND it doesn't produce the waste and pollution bottled water does. Carbon filtration could be a countertop pitcher, a faucet-mount, an under-sink model, or a whole-house model.
So make the smart choice: pass up bottled water.
To read the whole article: http://www.ewg.org/reports/dctapwater