Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Over the last couple of weeks, my Kindergarten Class took on a very special Mitzvah Project. I have a blogger friend, Kelli, who will be traveling to Mozambique, Africa to work in an orphanage. My kindergarten students put together “goodie bags” for Kelli to distribute to the orphans in that orphanage. Through doing this project, the students learned about geography, language, computer, hygiene, compassion, and mitzvot. Each student made a personal card with a message in English, as well as in Portuguese, which was translated on the computer. Each card was put into a “goodie bag” which was filled with stickers, band aids, soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste, pencils, hair items, and many other toiletries. The students collected so many items that they were able to make 40 one quart size “goodie bags.” As a result of this project, the students learned the value of giving and bringing a smile to a child’s face. Thank you to all those who contributed to their project.